Friday, February 18, 2011

Well, this week has been interesting......

and next week seems to be B.U.S.Y!! but that is good right?

We just had a team get together idea minute!!!I don't know what to call it....we are planning events and had a brainstorm! So excited. We normally have Respect Life activity around Mother's Day. This year we are looking at having a "talent show". From song and dance, to essay, to poster presentations. We really want the locals to get involved. Our topic will be "Give Me Life" or just "Respect Life" and have kids write essays and paint posters to represent their idea of respect life. We will have awards.

What does that sound like? I am excited!!

Yesterday\s post was rather depressing. A massage and goodnight's sleep helped alot. Things look better today. God is good, as always.

Keep our ministry in your prayers. We really need more independent support. Any idea on how to get that other than sounding like beggars:p?

1 comment:

Tonya Day said...

Praying that you have a successful week (and one that is absent of any fireworks)!!