Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Really don't know what to put in the titles....

anyone else have that problem? I don't know how to title my posts because the posts tend to ramble and skip around.

I have been reading Kay Arthur's book "As Silver Refined: Learning to Embrace Life's Disappointments" and wow, I am learning so much. It seems we get so disappointed in things at times, that we don't see it as it is: a trap from Satan.

There have been things going on here locally due to people's jealousy and insecurity, but most of all, sinful hearts. In the ministry, there is always a spiritual battle. We have a newer coworker, though not new to us, but to this work. We told his wife, be prepared, Satan will try to attack your marriage and your family. Sure enough, something has happened. Disappointment set in. But I was ever so thankful that I could share (AFTER calming down and sleeping/praying about the situation!) that the Bible tells us "God never fails us" God never leaves us, "The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and HE delighteth in HIS way." A number of nannies are pretty mad at what has happened as well. But I have reminded them, yes, these people who are going around Taitung defaming character, trying to ruin the testimony of the ministry, but God has HIS purpose. Are we angry? yes and no. No: because I know the people doing this don't have Christ in their hearts, no because if I allowed myself to be angry and focus on it, then my life would be extremely miserable and I would have no energy to do anything else. YES: because they are ruining the name and family of God, YES because I really don't want to deal with it:-) 

My team is awesome. When these things started, it was really emotionally exhausting. But, we have the ministry God has called us to and to be exhuasted emotionally in uneccessary issues is not that ministry! We will keep going forward as God has called us to. We know that Satan will keep trying to discourage us and get us down. But we cannot and will not let that cause a downward spiral for us in the ministry or our lives. We have kept quiet. We don't go around bad mouthing, gossiping, looking for ways to cause these people trouble. If we wanted to, we could very easily. God has the victory, why worry? why get involved in something that is not glorifying to the ministry? God has called us to do alot, and well, I just don't have time for Satan's problems. Though, fiery darts....they hurt, they burn. As the book described "if an arrow has only punctured at skin level, you can just pull it out. But if it has penetrated through the muscle, you have to cut around to pull it out." How has disappointment set in? We want to keep the wounds on the top layers of the skin, not down to the muscle. Pulling it out is going to hurt either way, but one heals easier than the other. One causes less damage than the other. How have you allowed Satan's arrows to penetrate?

What is awesome is that a person who has heard things, they will let us know in some way how they support the ministry we have! We have had, numerous times, others email or call or stop us and say, "You know so and so is saying this? but we want to let you know, we can see the truth! God will keep you going! We are praying for you." WOW!! yeah, that helps alot!

So, how can we be angry when God works things like that out? "Call unto me and I will answer thee and show thee great and mighty things thou knowest not!" PRAISE GOD WE SERVE A RISEN SAVIOR!!!

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