Wednesday, April 6, 2011

A mom is leaving Friday, but empty handed....

This is Ah Hsuan. She turns 16yr old in August. She is such a sweetie pie!!!! She did great during her delivery and her baby boy already has a wonderful loving family. YEAH!!!

We traveled via train 2.5hrs one way to pick her up.Her mom was so upset, not mad, but disappointed in herself and in how she raised her daughter. Her mom started crying while we were there, I think it might have been the first time she saw her mom cry. She just looked at her. On the train back we discussed how her mom is not mad at her, just disappointed in the situation, but her mom loves her very much. Ah Hsuan seemed to understand.
I got to spend some time at MLH while our counselor was on vacation. Ah Hsuan and I walked down the street to buy tea and snacks for the other two moms, a rare time to just talk with her. She met her boyfriend (who is 17yr old) via internet (really wanting me to get rid of the internet at home!!). I was like "WHAT? and you just moved in with him???" NO. They dated for a bit and he wanted her to move in. Her mom...NO WAY....his parents...UM ... NO. But she said that he threatened to leave, aka...acted like a spoiled brat throwing a teenager style tempertantrum. She said that his parents were "afraid" of him getting angry, so they just let him do what he wanted.
So, now, almost a month after birth,counseled much and understanding things on a different level, Ah Hsuan is leaving to go home. Her mother has been GREAT!! calling every few days to check up on her, writing letters every 3 days. Seriously a RARITY we see. Most moms are like, just get your stuff over with and then we will talk.

Ah Hsuan is leaving us on Friday. She will be going back to school in the fall. We will miss her, she has been one of our easier moms! Her mom saw her right after birth and was so happy to see how well we have taken care of her. Please pray for Ah Hsuan and her next steps in life. We would love to get her invovled in a church, but in her area, there are almost no churches! So, we will keep in contact with her via instant message and email. She knows she is always welcome back! We pray she will come for our Respect Life Day in May.

I am hoping I can share more of our moms here. I ask that you don't share any pictures of the moms though!

1 comment:

Tonya Day said...

What a brave young lady...and so blessed to have you in her life now!