Monday, August 25, 2008

Well, I can't go into too much detail about things, but God is moving right along. I love to see how God works things out. It is so awesome. I have had some people interested in supporting or partially supporting a mom, that is great!! We will need one supported SOON!!!!

Mom J is 19yr old and her mom is becoming embarrassed of her growing stomach. Due to some health issues, and the fact that she was already 5months along, she didn't/couldn't get an abortion. They have approached us and will give us a decision this week about her staying here. She lives at a village out of town, so it would be good for her to be near the hospital to give birth. She will turn 20yr old before birth. Can you help support Mom J? Can you support this mom when alot of her family and friends have left her?What can you do?

There is a kindergarten near here for heart wishes for it, but financially.......we can't buy it. I have a FATHER in heaven who owns the cattle on a thousand hills, and if he wanted us to have it HE is a little over 1million is a great size, has buildings, water,electric....etc......and room to play outside!! a great place.........but God would bring the money to us if HE wanted it. Will you pray for us for the next step?what and where God would have us to buy.....
Current Prayer Requests:
1. the rest of the paper work needed for registration
2. a social worker needed for registration
3. maternity clothes for moms
4. the current adoption cases and unwed moms---wisdom for what to do


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