Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Day 12: 9/12/2012

Today is Day 12 of Pray for Taiwan Abortion Month.

This is serious folks. Taiwan doesn't have the counselor sidewalks, the protests, the issues. So often crisis pregnancy centers often get weird looks, criticized and told we go overboard. It is nothing for government social workers to say "if the mom is poor or single and pregnant, I will help her set up an abortion, we don't need any more problems." Yeah....well, you can imagine how that set with me!!


Today, pray for the few crisis pregnancy centers in Taiwan. There are, including us, 5 that we are sure of. That is for a population of 23 million +. That is 5 crisis pregnancy centers for the 300,000-500,000 abortions a year in Taiwan. Wow! That gives me heart palpitations!!!

Lord, today we especially pray for the 5 CPCs in Taiwan. The abortion numbers are heartbreaking, and the workers work so hard.
Lord, we pray that each center will not be discouraged as they face opposition from client's families, opposition from clinics and social workers. Lord, give each CPC the strength and endurance to keep fighting the good fight.
Lord, as the CPC workers minister to each momma that calls or comes thru their doors, give the workers wisdom, boldness and clarity of thought. Give them words to say and let them allow YOU to speak thru them.
Lord, we know YOU make no mistakes, we know YOU have put everyone on this path for YOUR purpose.
Lord, thank you for the CPCs in Taiwan that they have stepped out and respected life and are working to teach others and help others. Thank you they have obeyed the call to this mission field.

In the Precious Name of our Savior Jesus Christ,

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