Sunday, October 16, 2011


Well, my Friday was long and was so glad to finally get home! I did find out that our 3 mommas had their prenatals. Two are very close to delivery and one has a bit to go. One is having a c/section and was very happy to hear the dr say, no exercising or anything strenous before your surgery date. Now she has an excuse:p The other, well, she is doing well, hanging on and has swollen feet. But she is doing well. Our other momma, due to previous situation from last year, she is here on trial period. Dr has told her (again) that baby is too small, she is anemic and she needs to take care of herself. Other than us force feeding her, there is only so much that we can do. We watch her intake and all, but she has to want it too.
Unfortunately, this is a mentality we have seen again and again. Momma comes to us in second trimester, which is too late for an abortion, or the abortion would be too expensive and they can't afford it. So, she doesn't really WANT the baby, she can't have an abortion so she just goes on with life. If she takes care of HER body that is fine, but she doesn't want the baby, so why bother really. It is such a selfish mentality. Though, on the other hand, it is a way of "ignoring it and it will go away." They can't keep the baby, so do anything they can to be as distant as possible. It is sad.

I have given a book "When Trouble Comes" to a single momma who has been coming to church. She is one of our "graduates". She has agreed to go through it with me. PLEASE PRAY that she will meet with me. I really feel that her spirit is getting closer to opening up and her seeing her need of a Savior. Pray for Irene.

This week will be busy as usual. Pray as we meet with a non resident as well.

To God be the glory GREAT things HE has done......and will do!


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